Created and run by award-winning Māori filmmakers, the Rotorua Indigenous Film Festival (RIFF) brings together the year’s best indigenous films from around the globe for an intense three-day festival.
Screenings are focused on excellence in indigenous filmmaking and supplemented by high-quality industry workshops.
Known as the heartland of Māori culture, Rotorua City offers an immersive 21st century indigenous experience for filmgoers and filmmakers traveling to the festival.
The festival is based around Māori values of manaakitanga (hospitality) and kotahitanga (unity).
The organisers would like to acknowledge the powerful work of imagineNATIVE Film & Media Arts Festival, Toronto, Canada, Skabmagovat in Finland, Wairoa Māori Film Festival, Māoriland Film Festival Otaki and Winda Film Festival in Australia which have all inspired the creation of RIFF.